Redis For Mac

Tutorial on how to start redis server on Mac. Posted in Uncategorized. This tutorial, we will learn how to start the redis server on Mac, assuming that you have already got it installed via “brew install redis” or other method found on the internet. In the past two days, I have built a VPN and can use Google again, so I have solved this problem. Now redis can finally start up, high. To set up the redis boot, I use the Mac’s launchd system and run redis as a user daemon process in the background. In short, user daemons are non graphical programs running in the background as part of the system.

The easiest way to get started with Redis on the Mac

Just download, drag to the applications folder, and double-click.


Version numbers

Version numbers of this project ( try to communicate the version of the included Redis binaries bundled with each release.

The version number also includes a build number which is used to indicate the current version of and it's independent from the bundled Redis's version.

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Adding Redis binaries to your path

If you need to add the Redis binaries to your path you can do so by adding the following to your ~/.bash_profile.

Or using the path_helper alternative:

Installing with Homebrew Cask

You can also install with Homebrew Cask.


Forked and adapted from Site design by Giovanni Collazo.